Welcome to Europa Mortgages
Your Best Value in Spain
Welcome to the website of Europa Mortgages SC. We are an independent mortgage brokers based in Spain. We are a registered Spanish Company. We aim to provide a low cost and effective service to assist you in obtaining a Spanish mortgage for your dream property in Spain.
We use our knowledge and experience of the Spanish Mortgage market in order to find you the best possible Spanish Mortgage that suits your needs. We have relationships with all the major Spanish banks and are often able to negotiate better terms than if you were a 'walk-in' customer.
We also work with a number of UK and Gibraltar based lenders, that offer mortgages in Spain.
The Spanish Mortgage market is evolving rapidly and whilst still not as developed and flexible as the UK market there are some exciting and cheap products available. Let us find the best product for you.
Please take time to visit the other pages on our site. The Quick Mortgage Guide gives you a no-nonsense guide to the basics of Spanish Mortgages.
For a list of the services we can offer in Spain, please click here.
Please use the Mortgage Calculator to simulate how much your mortgage repayments would be. Please contact us for the latest available rates.
If you are looking for a property in Spain as well as researching your mortgage options, click HERE, to find out how Europa Mortgages can help you get a cashback on your property purchase
If you are looking for a great investment, take a look at our partners at The Village at Valle Romano. An exciting investment opportunity with low entry deposit, guaranteed rental scheme, and a superb concept in lifestyle property in Spain
